About life

You can’t change the past. You only can learn from it. It’s no use regret something happens in the past. There is something you can not control. It was God who created the scenario. If you hate the past and regret about it even blaming the conditions or the person, then you are being ungrateful with what you have. And God dislike it. So be grateful cause there is something that must be happens at the perfect time.

And you also can not control the future. It is okay to plan but in the end, it is God will which decides whether the plan will happens (perfectly) as planned or not. Sometimes the uncertain is the best surprise gift that God can make. So rather than worrying, it is better to surrender and let God works His magic, and trust that He makes the best scenario that you ever hope. Shall not be afraid.

The only thing you can control is the present. You can use this time to evaluate your past and plan the future. But don’t forget to enjoy every seconds happening in your life. Be aware of your feeling. Dont waste your time for something that consumed you in negativity. Do things that keeps you productive and do more of what makes you happy.

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