The Pattern app: my Romantic Bond result vs the real experience

In the past few weeks I’ve been fascinated by astrology. But I started to believe in astrology since almost a year ago, when I intensely asking about whether life is predetermined or a free will. Just when I began to believe that life is predetermined and constantly looking for confirmation on my belief, fate introduce me to astrology concept known as Human Design.

When I had discussion with my best friend about Human Design, she showed me her the Pattern. Actually, I’ve known the app before I knew human design, but I decided not to try it cause at that time, I still believed on free will and I still have the urge to control my life. And since I feel that the app must be true, I didn’t want to lose my sense of controlling my fate.

Several months after I use the Pattern, I have another discussion with my other best friends about natal chart. And since that my fascination with Astrology expanding.

Based on natal chart, me and my husband has the same Ascending sign which I think it might be the reason why we share the same vision. Before knowing that, I always thought that it just me who easily agree on everything he said. I also have opposite attraction sign in venus-venus, venus-mars, and eros-psyche (please note that Im still a newbie in here, I might not understand completely what it really means but still I found it an interesting finding)

Just few days ago, I introduced the Pattern app to my family and they tried to run lots of bonds (with unknown time) that made me wonders. What the result of the bonds with my husband with unknown time.

So here’s the result:

Me (unknown) – husband (unknown) : Delicate amazing – expanding destiny (strongest connection)

“Their souls are traveling the same path and by teaming up they’re activating each other’s greatest potential. It’s an ideal pairing for future growth and personal development. This pattern is taking them both in the direction they’re intended to travel.”

Frustration- friction

Frustration- friction

Frustration – friction

Frustration – grounding and substantial

Frustration – depth & feeling

Trials – expectation (biggest challenge)

Trials – different paths

Trials – different people

Attraction – past life karmic links

Me (unknown) – husband (known): Delicate

Amazing – nurturing expanded (strongest connection)

Frustration – friction

Frustration- friction

Frustration- important presence

Frustration – depth & feeling

Trials- expectations (biggest challenge)

Trials – different path

Trials- Different people

Attraction – Past life karmic links

Me (known) – husband (unknown): Soulmate

Life changing- rare & exceptional (strongest connection)

“This kind of karmic link is rare- their path in life are aligned for a purpose. This one of the most life-shaping connections two people can have.”

Life changing- empowering

“There may be a sense that destiny has brought them together. What they’ve been given is a rare gift.”

Life changing – rare & exceptional

“Their souls are traveling in the same direction- there’s a reason they’ve found each other.”

Frustration – friction

Frustration – grounding & substantial

Frustration – depth & feeling (biggest challenge)

Amazing- strong pull & attraction

Amazing – expanding fun

Attraction – similar path

Attraction – expanding fun

Attraction – past life karmic links

Me (known) – husband (known): Extraordinary

Life changing- empowering

“There may be a sense that destiny has brought them together. What they’ve been given is a rare gift.”

Life changing – rare & exceptional (strongest connection)

“Their souls are traveling in the same direction – there’s a reason they’ve found each other”

Frustration – important presence

Frustration – grounding & substantial

Frustration – depth & feeling (biggest challenge)

Amazing – strong pull & attraction

Amazing – Comfort & support

Notables – independent partnership

Attraction – expanding fun

Attraction – past life karmic links

Then I was wondering, which one is the truth?

Me and my husband has been knowing each other since we were 17. It was me who attracted to him on the first sight. But at that time I still had a boyfriend and he still had a girlfriend. We start our relationship by cheating. Well it’s not a good start. But it’s the story that has been made for us.

One day, he told me that he broke up with his girl friend and I thought it meant that I could be his next girlfriend.

But then he said that he already had a new girlfriend. And it made me angry, I decided to end that kind of relationship.

Just few months after that moment, someone unexpectedly came into my house and it was him told me that he just moved to a new house exactly the same street with me and it just only 5 houses difference (50 meters). it’s that just a coincidence or it’s that fate?

But at that time I already had a new boyfriend and I was really serious to my boyfriend thinking I will marry him. And I thought of course my husband moving to my neighborhood was just a coincidence.

However, my husband felt disappointed with his 5 years of relationship, so he tried to contact me again who had 4 years of relationship with my boyfriend.

When we met again, I felt sense of knowing him for so long. Even though our coincidence meeting in our neighborhood wasn’t intense. But I thought maybe it just because I had known him before. And I felt sense of comfort since I knew he wouldn’t judge me, so I told him everything happen with my 4 years of relationship. That moment I felt that every burden I had, had been lifted. Then me and my husband started dating.

During our relationship as girlfriend boyfriend, I felt that he moved to my neighborhood finally had a reason. He helped me to heal my wound and to feel that I deserved to be loved. Physically, he is exactly my dream man. Handsome, tall(190cm), smart (he’s doctor). But when I started having deep conversation with him, mentally he is exactly the answer to my prayer. A person who accept me as I am.

Every boyfriend in my previous relationships very hard to accept me, especially my dark past. In fact it was him that told me : “if you cant accept my past, then you cant never accept my present or future”. He’s the one who taught me to accept his as he accept mine. Acceptance is the only thing I need in a relationship.

When we got married our relationship growing. But it’s more about our spiritual journey and our ways of communication. When we had conflict, it’s the time to find our type of communication. Our growing spiritual and communication experience finally can shift our view about our previous relationship with our ex(s). We can see that our relationship with our ex(s) was fate that help us prepared for this relationship. We appreciate every scars we have, it may stays but our feeling towards that memories has changed.

And currently we are in the phase to embrace our confidence, uniqueness and freedom. We enjoy being alone together. we might busy with our phone while holding hands or cuddling but in silence. We give each other space. There are many time when I just want to spend day with my friend without him or just busy doing the thing I love without him and vice versa.

And additionally, our sex life is very rich and wild like we can always unintentionally find new sensation.

My husband said that our relationship feels like a twinflame. But I couldn’t found (on google of course) the twinflame calculation in astrology.

But do you think we need external confirmation to label our feeling/connection?

When I read those bonds detail on the Pattern app I feel all of every connection including the frustration in our delicate bonds but I also feel those sweet life changing connection in our soulmate bonds. But the more we grow, the frustration just become a natural reaction towards different view but we can clearly notice and understand the meaning behind our reaction. I might not feeling special at the first time we met. That special feeling need us to spend time of having heart to heart conversation on how see life and how we feel about life through our childhood until this very moment. And the journey will always expand until our death.

Well, im very happy with those bonds of course. But still, how our believe on our feeling is more important than what it says on apps.

Anyway… on Sept 20, 2021 we celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary

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